Saturday, 29 November 2014

What happened on the first day of filming.

Today, me and Chloe went out to film parts of our music videos and I think that for the most part of the filming, it was quite a successful trip. As I had slept at Chloe's the previous night to ensure that we were able to film promptly the next day, it made it a lot easier for us both because we were able to simply get ready and head off to film. We got up in the morning at around 9 o'clock but didn't end up leaving Chloe's house until half past 11 after getting ready and sorting out the shots we were planning on shooting, which meant that we had less than 3 hours to get all of our scheduled filming done for this day. We planned on travelling first to the Humber Bridge for Chloe's shots that she needed, going down into Humber Bridge Country Park for the rest of her shots and then going to a field near Chloe's house to get some of the footage for my music video. I planned on getting the parts of my video that are located in a field because these are the easiest shots to do so can therefore have more time on getting the other shots that I need. When we got to the Humber Bridge, I realised that I could use this time to record part of the video that I didn't plan on getting that day. We filmed Chloe's sections first as this location was mainly for her to do her filming in, and then I quickly did the one shot that I wanted. We then went down to Humber Bridge Country Park as this is the second location Chloe wanted to shoot at, and I again realised that I could easily film there as there are lots of fields to choose from. This also meant that we weren't rushed for time because we then didn't have to move to another location.

List of problems:

  • Rain.
  • Lip-syncing
  • Remembering which shots I needed to film
  • Handheld camera as tripod wouldn't go as low as I needed
  • Filming the wrong shot

How to overcome problems:

  • Check the weather just before going outside to film. I checked the night before I was going out to film but this wasn't accurate enough, so next time I film I will have to make sure that I check the weather the morning of or the night of filming so I can be prepared.
  • The part that I wanted the artist in my video to lip-sync was really quiet so she couldn't hear the words and wasn't sure of when to start. To make sure that the artist can hear the music, I am going to download the song onto a device that can play the song a lot louder or bring speakers with me so that I can still get the shot I need, and so that it works better.
  • So I know which shots I need to film, I need to remember to bring the storyboards with me so I can see which part of the song is for which scene. I also need to remember to write a list of which shots I need to film for that day and tick them off as I do them. I did this when I did the first day of filming but the paper kept blowing away, so I need to use a sturdier notepad next time or have something with me to weigh the paper down.
  • Using a handheld camera didn't work for some shots as it caused too much shake, therefore meaning the shot didn't look very good or professional. I will need to make sure that when I borrow a tripod next time it goes as low as I need or can rest the camera on a flat surface as not to shake.
  • When I filmed one of my shots, I realised afterwards that the clothing wasn't right as I was filming the parts from the beginning of the video, but what I got was a shot from near the end. When I shoot next time I need to remember what the artist needs to wear so that the shot is how I want it and how it is planned to look.

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