Before creating my final magazine advert, I made a survey on the website to see if people liked the magazine mock up I created and if they could suggest any improvements to be made. I then analysed the results from the survey and looked at the responses. I got a lot of really positive feedback on the product and think I was going the correct way about making it, but also got a lot of constructive criticism which helped to improve my advert even further. I also got some feedback from my teacher when I thought that I had finished my music video, and she suggested changing one of the shots to make the narrative easier to understand. This was a bit frustrating because I wanted to get my products finished by the deadline and, when I got told to do this, there was only a few days left to have everything finished. I arranged with the actresses to refilm really quickly and luckily the room was available at a dinner time so I got this part filmed really quickly, and the editing was really simple to do because I was only putting this shot into the sequence; I didn't want to add any special effects to it. Although this was a little annoying as I was getting stressed that I wasn't going to get everything finished, I think it has improved my product and therefore makes my product look a lot more professional.
Audience feedback from my parents (aged 40 and 43):
In this video, I have placed my music video in the bottom right-hand corner so that it is easy to see what they are seeing as it happens. This made it easy for my to see which parts they said they liked when looking back on the video. They both said that they liked the video, and in particular my dad said that he really liked the parts in town which are sped up to make the people look as though they are going faster than normal speed. This is really positive feedback because this was a shot that I did really last minute and was therefore unsure whether it would look effective or if it would look rushed. My mam said that she liked the part I have edited to make the video look like it is glowing, which was unexpected because this is a part I was dubious about. The part of the video where there is slow motion of grips and bobbles falling is another part my dad said he liked, and I am happy about the response for this shot because this took a few attempts to perfect due to lighting issues casting shadows in places I didn't want and dropping the items in a specific way. At the end of them watching the video, I asked them if they understood the narrative behind the video and my dad said he found it a bit confusing. But, after I had explained the narrative behind the video and my ideas towards creating it, he said that the video illustrated the narrative I had aimed for.
Audience feedback from my cousins (aged 7 and 10):
In this video, I got my two cousins to watch the video I have created because I wanted to see if a younger audience than what I am aiming my product at liked it and would consume this video. Because I was off college when I recorded this, I was unable to put my video into this so that it was easy to see which part they were talking about. Samuel, 10 years old, also said that he liked the part in which the hair items were dropped in slow motion which means that the video is effective because the same part has been liked by two different people. Ethan, 7 years old, said that he liked the over the shoulder shot I have used in the video where the artist is looking at a photograph of herself and I think this may be because this is a very different shot to the rest of the video because I have used a lot of medium close ups in the video. He also said that the artist 'looks like a ghost' in one of the shot I have used - this is the effect I was aiming for in the video because I thought it looked interesting and would appeal to the audience. Ethan said that he didn't like it because 'it didn't have some rock and roll in it' but this isn't a negative thing about the video; it is just a personal music preference. I also asked whether he thought that the parts that I sped up looked effective and he said yes, which I am happy about because these are one of my favourite parts of the video and are ones that I think look really effective. He said that he doesn't think it looked real enough to be shown on TV, but couldn't quite put his finger on why he thought this. Although I had some negative feedback from this focus group, I don't think that my product is any less effective. This is because these are two people that aren't in the age range that I am hoping to aim this product at, so the artist wouldn't lose out on any profits in this age range; she just wouldn't necessarily gain any.

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