Today I went out with my artist and actress that are going to be in my video to film the rest of the shots that I need that include both of them. I first met up with the actress in my video and then we walked to Kingswood to meet Chloe (the artist) who was just finishing her shift at work. These are some screenshots of me and the actress organising when to meet to go and start filming:
Me and the actress met my artist at work, and waited for her to get changed (I took her clothes and camera home with me after filming yesterday so that it made it easier for us all and she didn't have to carry it all to work). We then walked to the first location which was about a 5 minute walk, and I first filmed the shots that I needed with the actress and artist and then Chloe filmed the parts that she needed with me. This took around half an hour to 45 minutes which I think was really quick as there was quite a lot of filming to do. We then got the bus to town to film the rest of the shots we needed. We decided that Chloe should film first as she had a lot of shots to film with Amber, and it was a lot easier for me to organise a time to film with Chloe than it was for Chloe to film with Amber. This was the first location that we went to for Chloe:
Chloe had quite a lot of shots to film here, so it took around one hour for her to get everything done. It was also really cold so this made filming take longer as we were finding it difficult to be still when we needed to be because of how cold it was.
This was the first location that I filmed in town, which I think looks really good because of the lighting and how it is night time. As you can see in the image below, I filmed a shot of the traffic passing by for quite a long time because I am thinking of speeding it up quite a lot so that the traffic seems to be going really fast:

Unfortunately, due to how long it took Chloe to film the parts she needed, I was unable to get some of the shots that I wanted to film as I need lots of people walking around the artist for one of the shots. Because both me and the artist in my video are quite busy tomorrow due to it being Mother's Day, I am going to try and reschedule with her to film another day possibly after college, as these shots won't take very long and I think the lighting will be nice because it will be just starting to get dark. Also, if I do the shots after college I think there will be a lot of people in town as students will be leaving school/college and other people may be leaving or going to work and there will be people shopping. This will be really good because this will ensure that there will be lots of people which is something I need.
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