I have just checked and update this blog post with the relevant parts highlighted. I have noticed that I still have quite a lot to film, but this is due to me filming the parts that can be done fairly close to my house first. I have planned with my artist to go back to her house tomorrow after college to film some of the shots that can be filmed near her house so that these are out of the way (the shots I am hoping to film are 7, 8, 9, 12, 18, 28, 34, 35, 37, 69, 70, 71, 72). Some of these I am able to do at the artist's house, so am planning on filming the outside parts first to ensure I get the most footage out of this I possibly can; as one of the issues I am going to have is it getting dark early. I am going to try and get to the location I need to as quick as possible so that I can film the parts I need to as quickly as possible.
I have also organised with my artist and one of the actresses in my video to film this Saturday. One problem we had was figuring out when to film because we all have things that we are doing on the weekend, and the main problem being the artist in my video having a part-time job. She was fortunately able to check her shift so that we could work around it and she is luckily finishing work at 2pm. This means that me and the actress in my video are going to walk over to where she works as it isn't far from where I live to meet the artist, then film the parts that me and Chloe need as she is also doing A2 Media and has her own video she needs to film for. We are then going to go to town so that Chloe can film the parts that she needs to for her video, and possibly for me to film the parts I need to (these are shots 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 33, 40, 41, 51, 53, 59, 60, 61, 63 - both in town and near Kingswood). If I am unable to film my parts on Saturday then I am going to organise a time to meet the artist on Sunday as the shots in town are the shots that I only need the artist for and not the actress.
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