Thursday, 5 March 2015

Problems with filming on the 05/03/15.

When I was filming today I had some slight problems and set backs, but I found a way around these and ended up with a successful shoot:

  • Booking the room to film - I had planned to book the green room for dinner time so that I could film with Amber and Zoe (this was due to us not having any frees together so this was the only available time to shoot). When I went to go and put my name down for this slot, I found that it had already been booked by another media student so unfortunately was unable to film then. I asked both the actresses if they minded staying behind at college for a little while to get the shots done that I needed and they both agreed, so I put my name on the booking sheet for 4pm onwards as this slot was free. I intended to get 4 shots filmed after college but had fortunately got one done earlier in the day as I was taking some photos of one of the actresses for my photography work, and had around 15 minutes left until she had to go to her next lesson. This saved me some time at the end of the day and allowed me to spend time on getting the other shots that I needed accurate.
  • The tripod not being high enough for one of the shots that I needed to film - For one of the shots, I needed the tripod to go quite high because I had to tilt the camera fully so that it faced down. This wouldn't work so I decided that I would film handheld and, from looking back at the footage I got from doing this, I think it has turned out really well. I filmed the shot 3 times so I had options to choose from when editing the clip to go into my music video and have seen that the shots aren't shakey so this was a good thing to come out of the shooting.
  • Timing for one of the shots - In one of the shots that I filmed, I needed the actresses to blink in time with the song as I thought that it would look really effective and would make the audience be really impressed because of how professional it looked. This was really difficult to do at first because the song was pretty new to both of them and it took them a few tries to know what the beat was like and when they had to blink. To help them, I signalled in time with the song when I wanted them to blink so that they knew and this made the filming go really well as this made it a lot easier for them.
  • The clothing the actresses were wearing - The only clothing that I knew that I wanted the actresses to wear specifically was the pink cardigans I asked them to bring, as this is what they wear in a shot earlier on in the video. This meant that they wore their normal clothes underneath and I didn't think that these matched the song and so decided to slightly change one of the shots. I still kept the shot at the same distance, but all I did was asked them both to turn around so that their backs were to the camera instead of them facing it. I think this will look even better in the music video I am creating because it could symbolise how the artist in my music video is trying to impress the 'popular' girls, but they really aren't different to anyone else and definitely aren't any better.

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